

ჩამოსატვირთად ან სანახავად აუცილებელია სისტემაში შესვლა


Right after the establishment of the Pedagogical Institute in 1933, a learning unit was created that for years at the institute and then at the university had been managing, controlling and coordinating the teaching-methodological activities of the deans, departments and cabinet-laboratories, as a teaching-methodological unit, based on the existing normative documents. It organized the whole study process together with the deans. In October 1999, the University Teaching-Methodological Unit was split into two parts: teaching and methodological divisions. The main purpose of the Methodological Division was organization and methodological management of manufacturing practices, compilation and approval of curricula and study programs. The work of the Teaching and Methodological Divisions became especially multilateral and laborious after the transition of the University to the two-stage teaching. New curricula were compiled. The divisions indeed performed enviable work in compiling and approval of study programs. In fact, they fully provided BA, MA and one-stage teaching with curricula.
In January 2005, during the reorganization of the University, the Teaching and Methodological Divisions were transformed into the Academic Process Management and Development Service. Its main activity was to optimize the academic process at the University according to the Bologna Process. In the spring of 2006, on the basis of ongoing reforms at the University (On 23 February 2006, Akaki Tsereteli State and Niko Muskhelishvili State Technical Universities were united), the Quality Assurance Service was established and the Teaching-Methodological Unit became one of its structural units.  On November 16, 2010, LEPL Sokhumi State University of Subtropical Agriculture joined Akaki Tsereteli State University. With the decision of the University Rector, in January 2011, the Teaching-Methodological Unit was separated from the Quality Assurance Service and the Academic Process Management Service was created as an auxiliary structural unit. The Service provision was approved, its goals and objectives were defined: performing teaching-methodological work, study process monitoring, pedagogical, manufacturing and professional practice, conducting the current academic process at the level of bachelor's, one-stage, master's, doctoral and professional programs; academic staff and student registration; organization and perfection of the academic process; facilitating the introduction of modern teaching/learning technologies in the study process; facilitating the preparation of competitive specialists at the level of bachelor's, master's, one-stage, doctoral and professional programs.