Akaki Tsereteli State University
Faculty of Medicine
December 1-21, 2020
II International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference
"Modern Pharmacy - Science and Practice"

The scientific directions of the conference:
• Investigation of medicinal plants and other natural resources in order to obtain new pharmaceutical products. Their pharmacognostic, phytochemical and toxicological analysis.
• Development of prescription and technology of modern chemical-pharmaceutical, cosmetic and biotechnological preparations, biopharmaceutical study.
• Public health and social pharmacy: pharmacoeconomics, marketing and management of the medical field; educationan practice, pharmaceutical industry, standardization and distribution.
• Medical materials in pharmacy and medicine.

Conference Working Language - Georgian and English.
To participate in the conference you need to present: electronic versions of abstracts in English
The deadline for registration and registration of abstracts November 31, 2020.
Conference Organizing Committee requires to submit:
• Electronic version of the article / thesis, which will be written in accordance with the attached requirements;
• Receipt confirming the payment of the cost of printing the collection of works in case of printing the collection of works.
Participation in the conference is free

Conference materials will be posted at the Conference Online Papers collection website: http://conferences.atsu.ge
 Proceedings of conference could be printed and costs 20 GEL for Georgian authors.
Detailed information about the conference is available on the website of Akaki Tsereteli State University www.atsu.edu.ge
Contact person:
Nino Abuladze - Chairman of the Conference: +995 599186103 +995 595186103
Contact address - Georgia, 4600, Kutaisi, Akhalgazrdoba Ave. No. 98 Building XI, Aud. № 103

Requirements for the article;
• The article should be submitted to the A4 format in the text editor Word;
• Areas: upper - 20 mm; Left - 30 mm; Right -20 mm; Bottom - 20 mm
• Used font: Sylfaen for Georgian article. Russian and English articles Times New Roman. Interval -1,5
• In the article formulas must be done in the formulas editor Equation
• Drawings and illustrative materials should be inserted in the JPEG or BMP format
• Write the article title (14 Pt, Bold) on the first line
• Bypassing the line - the surname and initials of the author (s) (13 Pt, Bold)
• Full name of the organization on the next line (12 Pt, Bold, in case of participation of different organizations in the article should be used *)
• Skip the line - short annotation of the article (10 Pt, inclined font, not more than 500 characters)
• Contents of the article (12Pt) by skipping the line
• Bypassing two lines - used literature (10 Pt)
• Skipping of two lines - Summary in English (10 Pt, not more than 1000 symbols)
• Article 3-5 pages
• Number of articles presented by one author no more than two
• Electronic version of the article must be sent to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The file must be named by the last name of the author and the section number (eg,Amaghlobeli. 2.)

Articles incompatible with the above requirements or inappropriate conference topics will not be considered for publication.
Materials are published by the author’s editorship.

Registration card
(Sample, filled with the first author)

First Name. Last Name

Academic Degree

Works at





Number of Direction

Title of Scientific Work

Organizer of Conference: Akaki Tsereteli State University
Faculty of Medicine

Organizing Committee:
Roland Kopaliani – Chairman, Rector, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Irine Pkhakadze – Co-Chairman, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, PhD of Medicine, Professor
Nino Abuladze – Co-Chairman, PhD of Pharmacy, Professor
Nato Alavidze – Head of QAS of Faculty of Medicine, PhD of Pharmacy, Associate Professor
Olga Naboka - Dean of faculty of Medical-Pharmaceutical Technologies, Doctor of Biological sciences, Ptofessor at National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Aleksandr Bashura - Head of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor at National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Ketevan Gabunia – PhD of Pharmacy, Associate Professor
Maka Javakhia – Deputy Dean of Faculty of Medicine, PhD of Pharmacy, Associate Professor,
Pavel Iavich– TSMU Iovel Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry, Senior Researcher of Department Biological Active Supplements and Cosmetic Products, Doctor of Pharmaceutical sciences,
Margarita Beglaryan - Head of Department of Pharmacy Management, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor at Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia