

ჩამოსატვირთად ან სანახავად აუცილებელია სისტემაში შესვლა

International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Gulf Studies Center of Qatar University

On 19-20 September, the Gulf Studies Center will host a two-day international conference - "The FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar: Looking into Global and Local Perspectives".

Qatar University encourages the submission of papers on the economic, political, and social-cultural aspects of FIFA 2022 in the following areas:

History of Qatar's Decision to Host FIFA World Cup 2022: Motivations and Expectations
Multifaceted Domestic Challenges of Hosting the FIFA World Cup 2022: Infrastructural, Socio-cultural, and Political dimensions
The geopolitics and power dynamics around the FIFA 2022 World Cup: Regional and Global Dimensions
Globalization vs Localization: FIFA World Cup 2022 social, economic, and cultural impact on the MENA region and beyond
The conference is to be held in person during the full two days. Those whose papers are accepted for the conference will be invited to Doha and have their travel expenses and accommodation arranged and paid for by the organizers.

See updated information in the appendix.

For more information, see the link