


Public (Online) Report: "EU and Georgia: What Does International Theory Tell Us?" by Giorgi Khelashvili

On June 16, at 2 pm, a public (online) report "The European Union and Georgia: What does the international theory tell us?" by Giorgi Khelashvili, a well-known politician and diplomat and member of the Georgian Parliament will be held by the scientific clusters on the basis of the Faculty of Economics, Media Technologies and Social Sciences of the Georgian Technical University - "State, Law, Culture" and the Akaki Tsereteli State University Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences - "Interdisciplinary Research Cluster".

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/8689180935?pwd=aCtVa1ZIb3FsWXBZNlNiSmpWZk9LZz09
ID: 868 918 0935
Password: gtu2020