Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the Third Mission in Georgian Universities SQUARE

The aim of the project SQUARE is the improvement of 3M activities in the Georgian HEIs.

Throughout the project, the inventory and assessment of the 3M activities, their analysis and strategic planning, implementation and evaluation is carried out, together with the capacitation of the university's top management and staff. The project’s activities lead to the fundamental change on policy and institutional level in Georgia.

The SQUARE project results serve as a basis for the update of the national external QA system, provide foundations for guidelines to update the HEI management and improve the articulation between teaching, research and services to the community. The project envisages a clear definition of the mission and role of the universities at a national level and providing clear direction for the universities in Georgia.

Objectives of the project are:

  1. Recognition of the importance of 3M, by officially confirming 3M as part of the university role and a fundamental commitment for which universities are accountable.
  2. Developing and testing criteria and assessment methodologies for 3M, upgrading the national quality assurance system and the accreditation procedures accordingly, which will ensure the systematic assessment of 3M.
  3. Ensuring strategic planning for 3M at universities, which includes the review of the existing activities and the analysis of potential opportunities and is fully aligned with the institutional mission and goals, the long-term objectives, the allocation of the necessary resources and the monitoring of the implementation and evaluation of results.
  4. Putting in place all conditions to optimize the quality and impact of the 3M activities



  • Nova University Lisbon
  • Ie cnam
  • University of Turku


  • Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (Georgia)
  • National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (Georgia)

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