Web Procedures

Guidelines for managing the website and the official Facebook page
Based on the principles of good governance of the university, the management of the website and the official Facebook page is based on the following guidelines:
•    Freedom of Expression
Any kind of censorship, except for the cases defined by the Georgian legislation, is prohibited. Universal approaches to all authors in the development and publication of information are defined by the applicable legislation of Georgia and the internal regulation of the university.
•    Prohibition of Hate Speech
It is impermissible to publish information containing hate speech on the basis of gender, ethnic, religious or other signs.
•    Social Responsibility
The University understands its responsibility towards society, for which it will encourage such activities not to harm the nature and the environment, considering the needs of different groups of the society the university contributes to the development of the country and solving social, economic and ecological problems.
•    Conscientiousness and Copyrights
Plagiarism is not permitted in the development of information. The information published by the university website applies copyright of Akaki Tsereteli State University, while publishing material protected by other legal or physical entity is required to obtain permission or use only part of the original material as a quotation or paraphrase. It is mandatory to indicate the name of the author / owner and the corresponding requisites.
•    Justice
There is a fair argument and objective criterion for decision making;
•    Expediency and Relevance
Due to the interests of the organization, decisions will be made based on a profound analysis. From the existing alternatives, the most appropriate decision is based on financial or other rational grounds. Information should be spread as quickly as possible, in order to avoid loosing its actuality and impact on the ongoing processes in the university.
•    Transparency
The organization uses open and public approach to planning / implementing all the functions related to publication of information. Management procedures / regulations are openly defined.
•    Supremacy of Public Interest
All the processes taking place in the organization and any decision is focused on maximizing high quality service. At the same time, processes are organized in order to make productive spending of state funds.
Management Principles of the Website and the Official Facebook Page
Effective management of the website and the official Facebook page is the combination of management decisions, which is based on declared guidelines and provides information dissemination to achieve university missions and goals. The correct management of the website and the official Facebook page implies creation of a working environment, where effective objective dissemination of information is achieved, which implies providing accurate information immediately to all interested parties.