ISM-ის სტიპენდიები ქართველი სტუდენტებისთვის

მენეჯმენტისა და ეკონომიკის უნივერსიტეტი ISM (ვილნიუსი, ლიტვა)  ქართველ სტუდენტებს სთავაზობს სტიპენდიებს. დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაცია: Scholarship for students from Georgia.  
We gladly offer all Georgian students who participate in ISM admission contest to be granted a scholarship to cover a part of ISM Bachelor or Master Studies’ tuition fee (30-50% discount). Best students from Georgia will be awarded with this grant (depending on their competitive score).
The following Bachelor programmes delivered in English will be available for admission in 2017:
-    Industrial Technology Management;
-    International Business and Communication;
-    Economics and Politics;        
-    Finance.

The following Master programmes delivered in English will be available for admission in 2017:
-    Innovation and Technology Management;      
-    International Marketing and Management;      
-    Financial Economics.  

Also, Doctoral programmes delivered in English available for admission in 2017:
-    Management (Baltic Doctoral programme);
-    Economics (joint programme with other universities - BI Norwegian Business School, Aarhus University).

Also, Doctoral programmes delivered in English available for admission in 2017:
- Management (Baltic Doctoral programme);
 - Economics (joint programme with other universities – BI Norwegian Business School, Aarhus University).
At ISM University of Management and Economics we guarantee to be always at your service. Should you need information or have special wishes please turn to our staff at any time.
Our person to contact for more information regarding the study programmes: Ilona Malyseva International Studies Project Manager
ელ-ფოსტის ეს მისამართი დაცულია სპამ-ბოტებისგან. ნახვისთვის უნდა გქონდეთ ჩართული JavaScript.