Student Research Competition - "Discuss, Explore and Discover NATO"

The Georgian Center for Strategy and Development (GCSD), with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Georgia, is implementing the project "Discuss, Explore and Discover NATO". The aim of the project is to inform the youth, and the general public in general, about current issues related to the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and to facilitate a discussion on these issues.

As part of the project, GCSD is announcing a research competition for students on a variety of topics about NATO.
This includes the preparation of a research paper on the following possible topics:
* Georgia's Security and NATO Aspirations: Why the North Atlantic Alliance?
* EU Security: With or without NATO?
* NATO and hybrid challenges
* NATO and Black Sea Security
* NATO after Afghanistan: Where are you now?
* Prospects for NATO membership: Ukraine and Georgia
* The Global Challenge of Democracy and NATO: An Alliance to Guard Democracy?
* Divided Alliance: How united is NATO today?
The competition will be held in two stages, during which the 5 best works will be selected. The authors of the selected papers will be awarded a scholarship equivalent to 200 Euros in GEL. In addition, the authors will present their papers at the project concluding conference.
Undergraduate, 3rd, and 4th-year students, as well as Master students, can participate in the competition.
See the link for more information