


European Medical Education Association Conference "AMEE LYON 2022"

European Association for Medical Education Conference "AMEE Lyon 2022" a large-scale international forum was held with 563 sessions, 164 exhibitions and more than 4700 participants from 87 countries of the world. The representatives of the academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine of Akaki Tsereteli State University: Prof. Irine Pkhakadze, Prof. Tamar Valishvili. were among 2055 speakers at the conference. They presented the papers on "Management of COVID 19 Challenges, PBL Practice" and "Implementation of Online PBL Method" in front of medical experts.

2022 is the anniversary year, AMEE - European Medical Education Association has completed 50 years, the president of the association Prof. Trevor Gibbs, with the support of the Lyon city administration, held a gala evening for the guests of honor and AMEE specialists, the president's reception was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Irine Pkhakadze. Akaki Tsereteli State University has been a member of this organization since 2014.