The Competition for Erasmus+ Scholarships Funded by the European Commission is Announced at the Pan-European University, Slovakia

Students of Akaki Tsereteli State University can participate in the competition. Information about English-language programs can be found on the website. Knowledge of the English language (B2) is a necessary requirement.
Mobility period and duration:
Spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.
Required documents in English:
1. CV (
2. Copy of passport or identity card
3. Language proficiency certificate
4. Copy of diploma (for master's students)
5. Sheet of marks (in Georgian and English)
6. Study contract (must be agreed with the host university)
7. Student certificate (in Georgian)
Applications are accepted until November 5, 2022 at ATSU Service of Foreign Relations and Development (III building, room 3504).
For more information, see the website or contact the Office of Foreign Relations and Development