On June 20, a meeting was held by the Georgian Regional Office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at Akaki Tsereteli State University. They discussed the opportunity for researchers to take advantage of the mobility program. In this regard, a grant competition was announced on July 13, 2022 (detailed information: https://georgias-researchers-mobility-programme.webflow.io/announcement).
The program aims to promote the internationalization of the science, technology and innovation sector of Georgia by supporting Georgian researchers in the process of establishing international connections.

On May 16-18, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University "Erasmus +" funded the institutional capacity development project "Development of Quality and Compliance of the Third Mission in Georgian Universities - SQUARE" consortium meeting was held, in which the head of the Research Development and Support Center, Tamta Kobakhidze took part. The training "T2.2 Strategic Planning" was conducted by Finnish and Portuguese experts. About 36 representatives from 8 Georgian universities, LEPL - National Center for Quality Development in Education and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia participated in the three-day training.

The Research Support and Development Center continues meetings with academic staff. The purpose of the meetings is to present the primary results of the one-year research conducted by the Center to the faculties. One of the directions of the mentioned research was to study the needs of the academic staff from a scientific point of view, including to reveal the factual circumstances related to the publication of scientific publications and to make recommendations in this regard. Meetings have already been held at the faculties of engineering, medicine, pedagogy, and the exact sciences and natural sciences.
Statistics and analysis in terms of publications on the situation within a particular structural unit are provided to the public attending the meetings. Also make recommendations on in-house support opportunities and services.

On May 25 and 27, at 16:00, Natia Kvachakidze, Research Support and Development Center and Horizon Europe Office Coordinator, briefed the academic staff of Akaki Tsereteli State University on the goals of Horizon Europe National Office, program opportunities and planned events. Meetings will be held permanently, for the academic staff of all faculties, to maximize their awareness, support and enhancement of research potential. The meeting was attended by the administration and academic staff of the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences.

An EU-funded program "Support on Skills Development and Matching for Labor Market Needs' / Skills for Jobs Program Phase 2" has announced a grant competition for public and private higher and vocational education institutions, non-governmental organizations, public or private law Persons, etc.
The deadline for applications is October 21, 2019, 13:00 Brussels time.
Please see detailed information about the terms of the competition at the link