To support research development, the Research Support and Development Center is launching a number of activities. One of the topical and important topics in this field at the university is the publication of articles in scientific journals, getting acquainted with modern research methods in the field and trends in research. Strengthening the academic staff in this regard is one of the prerequisites for the successful completion of the authorization monitoring in the fall of 2020.
Taking into account the mentioned circumstances, on July 9 and 10, with the support of the Faculty of Pedagogy, the Center invited Natia Andghuladze, Associate Professor of Ilia State University. Natia Andghuladze obtained a Master's degree from Harvard University and a PhD from Ilia State University. Worked at the National Center for Assessment and Examinations on issues related to state and international assessments and education policy, such as teacher assessment and school self-assessment. She was also the head of the research group of the Ministry of Education and Science. For the last ten years, Natia Andghuladze has been the author and co-author of education policy and research. She also has extensive experience working with students of education administration on practical research issues.
Natia Andghuladze held a workshop with the academic staff and informed them about the current trends and the latest research in education. The workshop included topics such as introducing educational staff to the challenges in education policy, reviewing issues related to the publication of scientific articles in international or local journals, and making recommendations for research development based on the regional context.
We would like to inform you that the Research Support and Development Center will permanently hold similar events at different faculties.