Meeting with European University researchers

On May 2, Akaki Tsereteli State University Child Rights Center hosted a meeting of European University researchers with the academic staff and students of Akaki Tsereteli State University. The research is related to the teaching of European values in Georgian schools.
Researchers presented interesting topics: Development of school culture and critical thinking - Trainers: Giorgi Lekveishvili and Lia Gabinashvili; Optimization of teaching and assessment methods - trainers Lela Abdushelishvili, Tamar Abazadze.
An interesting discussion was held, with the participation of academic staff and students.
An agreement on future cooperation has been reached between the European University and the administration of the Faculty of Pedagogy.
The meeting was attended by the Head of UNICEF in Georgia, Ghasan Khalili, Honorary Professor of the University, Mamuli Buchukhishvili, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Nato Kobuladze, USAID Imereti Regional Coordinator.