With the cooperation of TBSC Consulting and the Bank of Georgia, with the co-financing of the US Embassy Business Case Competition, 2021 will be held.
The event aims to encourage students to develop critical thinking and decision-making skills that can be achieved by working on real business cases.
The competition will be held in three stages. The teams will compete on behalf of their universities. At each stage, they will work on the Harvard business case. The results will be presented to high-ranking managers in Georgia, who will reveal the three winning teams in the final event.

Detailed information about the competition can be found at the following link

On September 16-17, the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences of Akaki Tsereteli State University organized IV International Scientific Conference "Economic, Legal and Social Problems of Modern Development".

On July 1, at the initiative of the faculty, fourth-year law students visited the General Prosecutor's Office of Georgia. During the meeting, the prosecutors introduced the students to the structure, tasks, principles and authorities of the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia.

In frame of the Project “COVID-19 and the Modern Challenges of the Labour Market” on February 10, 2022 the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences of Akaki Tsereteli State University (Kutaisi, Georgia) is holding a conference “Labour Market New Challenges: the COVID-19 Pandemic Context”. The conference official languages are Georgian, English, Russian. Conference participation and paper publication are free of charge. Joint articles of teachers and students are especially welcome.

The one-week summer school planned and implemented by the Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences, which provided training for vulnerable students to determine their professional orientation and self-assessment, ended on June 30. Twenty students from different schools of Kutaisi participated in the school.