

ჩამოსატვირთად ან სანახავად აუცილებელია სისტემაში შესვლა

ERASMUS+ CBHE Project SQUARE Hybrid Meeting with Georgian Universities

On April 23, 2021, the hybrid format meeting with the Georgian universities in the SQAURE consortium was organized by the project coordinator, Tbilisi State University . The aim of the meeting was to discuss the current activity being carried out within the project and to exchange the experience. During the meeting, partners discussed the current activity – identifying third mission activities and relevant assets, their classification, drafting the mapping chart, which will help the universities to systemize and analyze their third mission activities.


The main objective of the CBHE project "Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the Third Mission in Georgian Universities" (SQUARE) is the improvement of 3M activities in the Georgian HEIs.

For more information, please visit https://www.square.tsu.ge/
