Akaki Tsereteli State University Joined the Celebration of World Down Syndrome Day

Friends do not count chromosomes, leave no one out - March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day.
Akaki Tsereteli State University traditionally joined the celebration this year as well. Symbolically, colorful socks were displayed in the university yard. With the involvement of the Faculty of Pedagogy, an information training / seminar was held for special teachers of Kutaisi public schools at the Child Rights Center. The Rector of the University Roland Kopaliani and the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy Mamuli Buchukhishvili opened the meeiting. Associate Professor Nato Kobuladze provided them with information about the learning resources and activities that they will be able to use in practice.

World Down Syndrome Day aims at informing the public about people with Down Syndrome, protecting their rights and ensuring their involvement in active lifestyle.
World Down Syndrome Day was first celebrated on March 21, 2006; The date is not chosen randomly, the day marks chromosome 21, and March, as the third month of the year, is a trisomic event.