Today, when the world remembers several cases of pandemics and there are still fears about vaccines, the coronavirus pandemic has led to the priority policies of states, namely the protection of public health, which includes a combination of measures to improve population health, disease prevention and control; Therefore, it is interesting to get acquainted with the capabilities of the Georgian healthcare system, which is naturally related to the discussion of future development opportunities.

Given the current global challenge, it is particularly relevant to provide the general public with the right information on the epidemiological significance ofsocial distancing, the role of medical staff, including future physicians, for differentiating panic manifestations from rational prudence is increasing.

On December 7-8, 2013, Mikheil Shavgulidze, invited teacher of ATSU Faculty of Medicine participated in the work of the AO TESA Faculty Seminar in Davos (Switzerland), he presented a report on "Surgical Treatment of Periprosthetic Fractures of Thigh".

The professional development of academic and invited staff is particularly important for the academic support of medical programs. Meetings with staff are held within the framework of training modules designed for those interested in learning about modern teaching and assessment methods at Continuous Learning Center: - "New Teaching Methods in Medical Education - Problem Based Learning "-" New Assessment Methods in Medical Education - Objectively Structured Clinical Examination OSCE / Objectively Structured Practical Examination / OSPE ".

On December 11, the general assembly of World Allergy Organization was held in Lyon, France, where new Executive Committee, President, Secretary General and Directorate were elected (2020-2024).