On June 4, Akaki Tsereteli State University hosted a traditional republican conference of the Georgian Society of Orthopedic-Traumatologists in partnership with the ATSU Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Center of Western Georgia. Leading specialists in the field from all over Georgia actively discussed the news in orthopedics-traumatology, issues of prevention and management of common complications.

Holding student science conferences on Children's Day on June 1 has become a tradition at the ATSU Faculty of Medicine. This time, within the framework of the 9th Medical-Scientific Conference "The World After the Pandemic", 5 sessions were held in parallel, where the works of students in the fields of public health and clinical medicine were presented.

The ATSU-MD - Alumni Network, established to maintain constant communication with foreign graduates, lives up to expectations. The online meeting with Kakhaber George Lazarashvili(Associate Professor, Doctor of Education Science, Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK) was conducted with the active involvement of the participants. The meeting highlighted the best practices of medical education in the UK.

On May 25, an open-air science picnic was held in the yard of Akaki Tsereteli State University. As part of the large-scale event, the number of interested youngsters increased around the tents of the Faculty of Medicine. The number of visitors here has exceeded several hundred. Faculty students with the usual diligence answered the questions of those interested in 3D anatomy, demonstrated emergency care and practical skills through simulators. Scientific picnic has become a tradition and every year many Georgian and foreign students look forward to it.

Professional development of academic and invited staff is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of an integrated curriculum, therefore, the Faculty of Medicine conducts advanced training courses and seminars on a regular basis. This time Professor Paul Gibs (MIddlesex University, London, UK) spoke on student-centered learning.