ATSU Student Scientific Conference

The online conference of the students of the Faculty of Engineering was held on June 26, 2020 within the framework of the XXX ATSU Student Scientific Conference. The conference was held in two sections according to the topics: Section 1. Energy and Telecommunications.

Head of Section - Assoc. Professor Paata Geradze, Chairman - Davit Putkaradze, a fourth-year student of the Electrical Engineering Educational Program;

Section 2. Construction and Transport. Head of Section - Assoc. Professor Jumber Chogovadze, Chairman - Luka Kurdghelia, a second-year student of the Construction Education Program. The conference was organized by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty, Assoc. Professor Zaza Zhorzholiani.

The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor O. Kikvidze. Interesting reports on current issues in energy, applied mechanics, construction, architecture and transport were presented.