XII Annual International Meeting of the Georgian Mechanical Union

XII Annual International Meeting of the Georgian Mechanical Union, dedicated to the 130th birthday anniversary of Academician N. Muskhelishvili, will be held in Kutaisi at Akaki Tsereteli State University on September 9-11, 2021, either live or on-line, depending on the Corona Virus situation in Georgia.

Topics of the Conference:
1. Mechanics of Deformable Solids;
2. Mechanics of Fluids;
3. Solid - Fluid Interaction Problems;
4. Applied Mechanics;
5. Related Problems of Analysis.

Abstracts (one page in MSWord) should be submitted to the Organizing Committee (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) until July 15, 2021.
Selected papers will be published either in journal “Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics” (http://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/Ami/Main.htm) or in journal “Lecture Notes of TICMI” (http://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/others/ticmi/lnt/lecturen.htm).

REGISTRATION FEES (in case of live meeting)

For Participants:
Payment from July 1 until August the 15, 2021 - $ 200
Payment after August the 15, 2021 - $ 300
For Students - $ 150
For Accompanying Persons - $ 150

Registration fee includes
Participants Accompanying Persons
- Book of Abstracts
- Final Program
- Coffee breaks
- Opening reception
- Certificate of attendance
- Conference dinner
- Excursion - Conference dinner
- Opening Reception
- Excursion

Please transfer the registration fee to the following account
For EUR/USD Transfer
Intermediary Bank: Commerzbank, Frankfurt, Germany; SWIFT: COBADEFF
Beneficiary's Bank: Bank of Georgia, SWIFT: BAGAGE22; 29a Gagarin Street, Tbilisi 0160, Georgia
IBAN: GE26BG0000000181896100
Remark: GeoMechXII, Registration fee of [NAME SURNAME]

Cancellation policy
Cancellations received before August 30, 2021 – eligible for full refund minus transfer expenses.

In case of online meeting about registration fee you will be inform in due time before July 1st.

Conference web-page: www.atsu.edu.ge